Your Travel Guide to Your Inner Sanctuary

Regardless of your circumstances, there is a safe space within your own being where you can find peace and calm.

Let's create a safe, sacred space for yourself in order to keep calm amid life's chaos. This easy yet profound guided meditation helps you find a peace that is present at the centre of your own being.

Creating Your Inner Sanctuary, and visiting it again and again, gives you a chance to calm down, and to be able to assess the situation from a more stable and resourceful place within yourself.

Whatever life throws your way, this meditation brings that much wanted sense of ease and resilience.

"I feel like a butterfly coming out of a cocoon. Working with things and letting go... Feeling my happiness. Thank you, thank you, for being here."

In gratitude, Aileen Shea

Enjoy a deeper sense of calm and ease.

Includes permission to download, so it's yours to enjoy for life.

"Remember, the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you."


Meet the voice behind your meditation

Hi, I'm Karin Peeters

Coach & Psychotherapist

Eastern Philosophy meets Western Psychology

My clients often compare me with a bridge, successfully applying the ancient wisdom traditions of the East to Western life.

I'm a qualified Life & Career Coach and Psychotherapist with private practice experience in the City of London and online since 2008.

Thanks to my corporate background at Heineken in The Netherlands I am refreshingly practical with a down-to-earth nature and solution focused attitude.

I combine this with an extensive experience in Eastern Philosophy, The Buddhist Art of Living, Mindfulness Meditation and Creative Arts. I was taught about meditation and the mystic spiritual traditions at the source, while living and studying in India and Nepal for 2,5 years.

I enjoy sharing my suitcase full of techniques with you, to improve your daily life both at work and at home. And I love to guide you to experience heartfelt healing and profound transformation of your body, mind and soul.


How does it work?

Soothing 'Safe Place Meditation' to reduce stress and anxiety by accessing a deeply safe and calm place within yourself.

A safe space, a mind sanctuary, or an inner happy place are all different names for a mental location that you visualize in order to reduce anxiety, insecurity and stress. The idea is very simple. With the help of creative imagination, visualisation and meditation you will access a tranquil place inside your own mind that brings a feeling of safety, and inner calm. It can be an actual place you visited before, a reunion with a beloved pet, or an imaginary dream-like space. In this safe place, no one can come without your invitation.

'Safe Place' or 'Soothing Space' Meditations are used by Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) practitioners and it was taught to Karin Peeters at a training on trauma recovery for psychotherapists in London, UK.

You'll learn how to return to your sacred centre when life feels out of control and restore a felt-sense of security and calm in your physical, mental and emotional world.

Your Inner Sanctuary - Guided Meditation

Includes permission to download, so it's yours to enjoy for life.

Find the quiet space at the centre of your being.

Visit that sacred place within and find safe harbour from which to watch the storm pass. Regardless of your circumstances, you can feel resillient and at peace.

Sailing boat on serene waters sailing towards the harbour.

Your Inner Sanctuary

Find a moment of calm in the midst of the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Photography, with gratitude: Unsplash - Annie Spratt.

Let's go on a journey together.